Average MDE fans
Cristobal Tapia de Veer, the composer for Utopia has hinted at a possible season 3 on his twitter
It's happening!
Soul Blade: A Fighting Game with a Story You Couldn’t Skip
Easiest decision my wallet has ever done
They made Nair for nuts a real thing?!
What the hell is that? Blocked by the whole lobby?
That one time I could stack a bunch of fireworks and frame drop people's clients to near inoperable performance lmao.
I'm so tired of it.
Thoughts on Bill Pullman’s performance as Oswald Danes?
Which of these items are you most likely to buy from a farm stand?
Is it possible to get the Fable 2 DLC after the Xbox 360 marketplace shutdown?
I not sure what the story is but should I accept or decline?
Some disco patches I made for my bag
My game crashes on start up
I sometimes use a British VPN to post highly offensive things on twitter just to waste the time of the British police.
Unlucky second moon...
What’s on your Mount Rushmore of the Greatest PS1 Games of All Time?
i love wolf becouse of his mask
Found some unused games..
To threaten a Ukrainian man by some scumbag kids ( Dublin Ireland )
Have your thoughts on the new sonics design changed?
what would you add?
wallpaper drop get it while its hot