Best and worst written Primarchs?
Why does it seems so many people want Calgar to die, and who would be the successor?
Which piece of modern 40k lore do you consider the most beneficial to the setting and you would be unhappy if it was removed.
Which piece of canon lore do you consider the most damaging to the setting and you would be happy if it was removed.
If 40k had an "End Times", would you want it to be conclusive or would you want it to be a transition to a new 40k Era like Fantasy to Age of Sigmar.
Why The Lion doesn't use Forest Walk to reach Guilliman?
What's the biggest accomplishment a no named space marine have achieved?
What piece of lore has been heavily hinted at as coming and has yet to pass?
In your opinion which Author writes the best big scale battles in 40k?
What's the best way to keep up to date with the lore of major Characters?
Fanon vs Canon: Lost Primarchs
Which Daemon Primarch deserves true death?
Post a legit balancing suggestion that will have you like this
The concept that in-lore more than a few space marine chapters are from unknown founding and unknown father legion even to themselves is silly
Horus Rising in my ass
How Strong Are Genestealer Patriarchs Supposed to Be?
Best audiobooks to get
Inquisitors permanently looking 30 club:
Can you fight a powerful psker without being one yourself?
With GW pushing more content for the Emperor's Children, what do you personally think would the best use of Fulgrim to advance the Lore.
Not even The Emperor could plan this comedic timing.
Traitor legions(pre-heresy) versus tyranids
Are 40k Iron Hands supposed to be this Grimderp and how are they not censured or excommunicated?
Here we go again...again.