Senior roommate in a cult is extremely nitpicky
Is anyone paying attention to upcoming alt-right events?
sometimes you just realize that you’re living on a completely different planet than these people
Overwhelming rage
Three of these five times the audience clapped at the end. Am I alone in expecting many fan/cult screenings years down the line?
Megalopolis will be remembered for the rest of time and be the only thing found about human civilization by aliens after we die
Beautiful lo-fi/bedroom song with semi-intelligible lyrics. Please help!
Alice Munro, absolute master of the short story, has passed away
Coachella (2024)
There has never been a larger ability gap in top institutions
Feeling like such a loser at 30
How do you not become more feminist as you age
living in a roach apartment is hell
Is posting on social media inherently narcissistic?
Daniel Day-Lewis writing about his visit to Gaza in 2005
Tell me stories about your lib parents
You just don't get our world, civvie
I'm so fucking tired of this dollar store version of Gotham City
Toronto does not meet the BARE MINIMUM for its people
NYC is Killing Me
before and after. 22 months apart
Signs someone is pretending not to have rich parents?
I believe the job market is not going to improve and actually get worse. I wonder why I hear people saying the job market will bounce back.
White Man Fatigue in Arts Discourse