Has this ever happened to you
Congratulations everyone team india won :)
I don’t have Araujo so I can’t really compare other than stats but can my Rodri with this build for CB sit on the same table with him? If not how far is he away from him? Maybe someone got both and could tell me, thanks in advance 🙏
Do you consider Nagi's 5 revolver shot to be a Reo assist?
Konami Marketing the game in India?
If they both are againt each other who would win?
Do you agree with her?
Which Player Do you think , you could take on in a 1v1 ?
These are 6 CONSECUTIVE matchups I got in efleague last night, as an f2p. Konami has lost the fucking plot with their matchmaking.
So.. What's with Isagi's evolution?
My prediction for the final Neo Egoist League class
Will Isagi clash with his parents after NEL?
Which character had the most chill backstory ?
Why would isgai leave bl?
Over time, instead of getting better, how has this game ... gotten worse?
Won this beauty in a prize draw
Hope Konami drops this beauty on upcoming Thursday: Bayern Munich's 125th anniversary jersey.
If you had to pick 5 players from the current blue lock to face the World 5 in a rematch , who would they be ?
Me after studying 3 hours straight and thinking about yonro
Charity match starting 11
Do your parents look through your phone?
Favourite childhood show.
New eFootball 2025 Icon
Which Cursor change setting do you use?
JJ what is your reaction on Indian copy of prime