My company isn’t letting me quit.
Are we giving notice to quit?
Difference between EA, AA and OM
AITAH for not tolerating my girlfriend’s excuse of using her sign as an excuse for being rude?
How many hours do you work?
Person with mental illness making noises
33M Career Change is it to late?
Can I be a PM or Super with a Bachelor’s in Business Management?
How to start
Stressed about work things out of my control
Somebody shat in my office chair.
WFH or office
Can we stop with the “start a business” lol
How do people quite quit without feeling anxious?
I'm Fed up - She cries and yelled at me (Update)
Now my ex coworkers want my empathy and help
I accidentally became “the candle guy,” and now I’m stuck.
I'm fed up - She cries and yelled at me
Anyone just feel like quitting their job.
Am I wrong for being upset over my husband’s sick joke ?
I asked to go home early last night.
What do y’all do with mounting stress?
Coworker is so damn loud and making noises all the time I can't cope
Cringe moment at work