PC separate to console
If You’re Complaining About Bots, Maybe Ranked is Where You Belong
This game might be the ONLY PVP multiplayer game in existence where players actually have to beg to fight other players.
The OG zero build Meta
Trios and squads plagued with bots
Hit scan is back!!
Reload utterly sucks right now
Bots are ruining this game
Game feels clunky since the update (PS5)
Is Fortnite Remix surprisingly hard for anyone else too?
The Bot situation really needs to be addressed. It's gotten bad.
Why do players hate chapter 5 so much?
Cross platform
Snipers can never be a balanced item with one shots.
What in the world is up with the DMR rifle ?!
Another Weekend. Another Complete Sham of a Game against Bots/Aimbots 95% of the games
Updates=Bad Ping?
Bots make the game boring.
Bots are starting to become a problem for (atleast my) enjoyment
Chapter 5 has had the worst solo meta that I can recall (no build)
Please bring back hitscan AR’s
Fortnite feels weird
Infestation of cheaters
Pls no more ai players
Huntress DMR not registering shots? (Possible Xbox issue)