Lunch for a shift that is less than 6 hours long
New Sales Associate Trouble
Vacation hours?
I gotta be on my A game from now on 😭
A decline in store packout, resulting in empty bays at opening.
How do I get rid of these?
I'm not sure what these are but they wrecked my lawn in September. Die you little buggers.
Why do people not understand this lol
Today i learned that department heads earn only a $3 raise to run several departments at my store
Am I doing something wrong?
Do I give up on these at this point?
Coworker said the n word in front of me. What should I do?
Hot as hell lately but my grass isn't breaking a sweat.
Just another day
I don’t actually care that you spend $50,000 a year here man
Another fine day at the Home Depot
Day 33 + Child Admitted to Hospital… do I have to restart?!
New Associate, so thankful for this SubReddit!
Plumbing is one of the most stressful departments to work, in my experience. Which one is yours?
How long before I get the big C.
New Phone alerts?
Is this for me?
Promoted myself to customer today.
I can't squat deep enough and it's not because of my ankle mobility. Does anyone have thoughts?