The year in reads (+ Top 10)
In your opinion. What was the darkest comic to feature the blue and gray suit?.
Hickman Marvel read-through and review
“What are you reading?” Wednesday.
It ain’t much but it’s honest I suppose
What's your spooky season read this year?
Do you guys mix you omnis with you graphic novels?
Philly show was awesome
Road to 52 Omnibus
How’s the mapping on this one?
February reads
Sunday Shelfie
Next read poll
New Shelves
Is it Just me? (Absolute Swamp Thing Vol 3)... repost. Sorry forgot to put the name of the omnibus in the title.
“HP Moorecraft” collection.
Found this for $100 cover price at LCS while vacationing!
Absolute Len vs Bronze Age Swamp Thing