Artists and where to find them
How to add stretch goals & rewards mid-campaign?
Is art necessary?
Sweet Challah Recipes Recommendation
What are some decent prizes to up the ante?
CUSTOM T-SHIRT CAMPAIGN: Looking for Feedback Before Launch
Safety testing requirements for "family" board games
Anyone who has done a Kickstarter before and would like to share
Rule booklet design tips please
Reward Description Formatting Help
Balancing deck placement on a game board
backerkit question about fees
do kickerstarter launchers need to drive their own traffic to their projects, or is there internal marketing?
Is kickstarter relying too much on their reputation and not adding tools to help creators
Successful campaigns. How many extra units do you manufacture?
I have problems with credit card payments (again) and I am wondering why they are still a thing
New Prelaunch pages—tips on what to include?
Simple physical reward offers (website that print and ship on demand)?
Seeking Collaborators for Jewish-Themed Board Game Development Based on Mishna!
Where do you like to eat pancakes?
Multiple prelaunch pages from one creator?
Grab your copy of Gifts Galore—funded on Kickstarter, now only 24 hours left!
New Feature on the Promotion page?
5 Days to go, 66% funded of $5k... anyone ever see a campaign hit it's goal at this point?
Does Kickstarter bring backers?