Malazan is here!
False/misleading advertising for special editions? (The Will of the Many)
Correction about this edition
TBB has posted on Instagram that they are packing left over stock - When do they usually sell those?
Malazan Shipped?
TBB Sub Quality Issues - Continued
Would you ask for a replacement?
What Am I Doing Wrong That My "Memory, Sorrow, Thorn" Book Pages are Going Wavy?
First BB book is damaged
How strict is BB on their damage policy?
Dandelion Dynasty midnight editions shipping?
Why short stories and novella ebooks only available on Amazon?
Is it just me that prefers the split UK volumes?
Malazan Mock ups revealed
Is this for me?
Finally finished the main series
What’s a recommendation that you think is as good as Westworld?
In Frank Herbert's DUNE Soundtrack for the SciFi Channel, there is a song on the soundtrack called Dreamscape. Does anyone know what that instrument being played is? It sounds flute-like, but different.
What is the series finished posthumously by a relative (possibly)?
What happens if I filled put the interest form but didn’t get an email?
Dandelion Dynasty Midnight Edition Covers
What's up with this model air bottle and label?