What is Tamara studying at college?
where to go fir skincare concerns?
are there any good tertiary ed institutions in perth with a school-like schedule?
Why is Eric Winter the only wearing a bulletproof vest under his uniform?
I haven't lost my headphones in a year.
Why do some people not consider fish as meat?
How do you calculate 18 x 7 in your head?
If you're alone, do you get in the front or back seat of a taxi/Uber?
Should 'Not XYZ Friendly' be categorised under the Character Bashing tags?
That moment when the right combination of characters, relationships and tags helps you find the fic you read months ago that you thought you lost...
What is something popular that does not interest you at all?
People whose professions are commonly in drama/soap operas (Drs, firefighters police etc), Do you watch said tv shows? How do they make you feel?
Pulling a "Phil"... emergency surgery style
Why do beans make you fart?
What's an Unpopular Opinion on Criminal Minds That You Have?
If a major character(s) die and later get revived, should the "Major character death" tag be used?
Someone just asked to translate my fic to Spanish on Wattpad and I'm conflicted. Advice please?
What's a dead giveaway someone grew up as an only child?
Serious Question: Why Are People So Helpful on Reddit?
What fandoms do you enjoy reading fics from even though you're not a part of it (and aren't even interested in being a part of)?
Very hard to find bulk billing GPs anymore?
really???? Come on man... I filter by 'completed' for a reason.
Why do a lot of people who have orange trees at their homes not eat them? Do people simply not like oranges?
aita for snapping at my mum because of the way she responded to a drowning?
How to inform people that I am not “the hat guy”