Colored arm/leg bands or Brown which do you like more?
No surprise as to who won last time, Ashy-Slashy himself! Day 3, who is a horrible person, but loved by fans?
Kaiju Vote Out Day 33: Showa Mechagodzilla was beheaded!
McFarlane is doing its own line of TMNT figures!
Kaiju Vote Out Day 32: Destoroyah was frozen!
Day 32 - What is GxK’s best poster?
Daaaaang boi, he THICC!
Kaiju Vote Out Day 31: Anguirus' jaw was snapped!
Toho Ultimates Wave 5 announced! Mothra and Battra!
Godzilla Ultimates Wave 5
Cloud, Yuna, Quistis, Balthier, Zidane, Auron, Zell, Kimahri. Your turn!
Richard Meyer is coping super-hard
I can't put my finger on why the first one is superior than the second can you?
🔥time to turn up the heat!
Kaiju Vote Out Day 22: Showa Ghidorah was ganged up on by the comments!
Is Super 7 done with the Godzilla line?
National Day of Protest
I love Betsy..but kwannon has become one of my favorites [psylock 2024 2]
What’s the nicest thing you can say about AOC??
Thoughts on Mega Man 10?
What is your Mega Man hot take?
Archie Mega Man will always be best Mega Man
These two games not being on Nintendo Switch Online should be a crime. (Alongside the fact we haven’t gotten an ACTUAL NEW DK game in 10+ years.)
How would you feel if Capcom make the cataclysm Theory Canon in megaman 12
When I say “IDW” tmnt, what’s the first art style that comes to mind?