I have a weird tortie.
Annual reminder
ELI5: How everything is the center is the universe
What is your opinion about the constant political posts on Reddit?
I Looked Too Long For Some Of These...
Tremors 1990 ‧ Someone actually found the spot
Illegal immigrant who stabbed wife to death wins right to stay in Britain after arguing he might have to face wrath of in-laws back home in Turkey
Onion salad
She’s my hero too
New York State Prison System Guard Strike
What's up with LitRPG stories starting off with strong traditional RPG mechanics and then suddenly devolving into heavy cultivation/wuxia territory?
AITAH for refusing to stop using my "embarrassing" lunchbox at work?
Finite suffering, infinite deaths VS. infinite suffering, finite deaths
Omg was Heavy always this slow?
Looking for MC that is OP from the start
Serial “swatter” behind 375 violent hoaxes targeted his own home to look like a victim
Couples where the woman is taller than the guy
Help me understand “Romance” in LitRPG
The prevalence of sociopathic characters
All women need to be THIS flexible.
AITA for Refusing to Help My Sister After She Went No Contact?
I hate, HATE, the "I am strong and could teach you how to be strong, BUT..." trope
Our ears are closer to our necks than the top of our head