Airtel prepaid fixed and daily
Doubanjiang (not at all) monthly update - should be done. Is it safe to eat?
NRO account for UPI?
Is this safe to drink? Day one of a water ferment and I'm a bit concerned there is botulism growing in it. It's been on the counter for 15 minutes, have I compromised this batch? Should I tip it out and start again? What would you do?
Sourdough discard in VWG?
Vacuum sealer vs glass/ceramic
Weekend batch, day 4
Officially selling tempeh at local markets!
Gluten-free soy sauce
What should i use to make BULK hummus with?
Fermenting tomatoes for water and dried leather
A guide for all thickening agents?
Are there any grime ‘one hit wonders’?
MultiLanguage addon
Infinite koji?
Tempehed Hash Browns
Vegan Runners
Started making tofu, so now we’re making okara tempeh
Fruit and veg markets near London Fields?
Is it ok to eat this chickpeas tempeh?
Planting this sweet potato?
Seitan dough left in room temperature
Pixel 4a - specific contacts always able to vibrate on WhatsApp/calls?
Oatmeal Koji - detail
Anyone else feel like they're a better cook than most restaurants?