Finally... It was a long time... Sorry.... Ca a été long !
That was a very difficult fight but it's here....
Aaaaaaand that's a wrap for Season 10 !
It's finally over too...
It's finally over....
Seriously? A MILLION?
New additions in my spooky section I'm kinda proud of....
Aaaand that's a wrap for Season 9 !
Aaaaand that's a wrap for Season 8 (+a bonus just before I got it, luckily, I already had one more happiness to get at that time.....)
Update 82 Patch Notes
Aaaaaand that's a wrap for Season 7 !
The Striking Gold started 2h ago.... this time I won't be the devil ^^
Well I guess I'm the devil for some people....
Is there someting like New Year Miracle ?
And after the rehearsals, it's time for the complete show !
Aaaand that's a wrap for season 6 !
The Muppets show has begun !
Jus in time before the end of the event ^^ Now time to level up the Horned King
That's really crazy how the drop rates seems to increase once you finally got the character targeted...
Thomas, you’re almost mine
And that's a wrap for Season 5 !
Oh my god !!! I see double !!!
I'm Just about done with this Game
I mean it's better than a bench🤷🏻♂️ What did y'all get?
Finally the Dark Side is beaten !!