Gimme your best images and I'm gonna catapult them out of context with gemini
Week 12 of making a meme until Sean Murray Emails us Light No Fire (bonus memes included)
Who is this (wrong answers only)
What post is it
TF One: Allow me to introduce myself!!
what is your favorite boss in the game?
Would you lile to live in this world (China and Russia total victory in both war)
When the Fire is Rising...
What would you call this dish
People often joke about the potential for this place to become another BatmanArkham sub, but in reality, where do we draw the line?
Show me your last saved image and I'll decide if you'll knock on Heaven's door or not
Release date announced 2042?
Rating your memes
Top comment gets an award. Photo unrelated.
(Plz I’m in desperate need of memes)
Send me your last saved image
Week 11 of Making a meme until Sean Murray Emails us light no fire.
Me waiting for u/Guilty_Arm2438 to post this weeks meme
Hello Comrades. I am Vladimir Nikolai. Send me your memes. If I get a Vladimir Makarov meme, I'm gonna shoot your ass.
Do you guys think inklings/octolings can chance their skin and eye color?
What is his coolest form? Why is he so cool?
Show me a meme
I need memes to send to my friend