How fast do Soft and Wet Go Beyond's bubble travel?
What would you change?
Before you knew about the reason of Uryu's Betrayal, what did you think was the reason he did it?
Is Star platinum stand power adaptability? A stand can only have one power, but Star platinum has several
Which JoJo Has The Worst Stand?
Best Bleach Ending?
Did I cook or nah?
Which character in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure do you believe is the most messed up mentally?
how did the crusaders except to kill dio in the first place?
Isshin's involvement during SS arc
"What am I doing wrong?"
Part 7 is taking long in order to aqquire rights for the stand names.
Giselle Gewelle but colored by jessjessdraws
Name a time this happened to you
Which Vizard had the Best Mask?
I’m new to jjba
What's a hard truth that Bleach fans need to accept?
Made this ig
Avdol already died?
How strong is Gyro?
I need help with starting the bleach manga
Zaraki vs Pernida. Where did the Nikita being the host of Pernida came from?
Me watching Bambietta zombified and dying, and not ending up in a ship with Uryuu
Bount Arc Positivity