We both suck, but in different ways
We’re gonna get GTA6 before console players get in-game chat in DBD.
I haven't played Dead by Daylight for over a week, so one comment = one match of Wesker I play.
The new DBD mobile is here by the same developers
If every survivor was turned into a killer what would their power be?
please stop.
how many match’s will I play
What song do you think about when playing or played?
What's the most dumb thing you thought?
Whats the best pair of skills and supplies?
I think I have enough health💀
Can all you killer mains stop using:Franklin’s Demise,Weave Attunement and Lightborn
Thoughts on me maining knight.
Your last saved image will get you arrested, what is it?
Does anybody else think MXvsATV whenever they hear happy?
What is the most balanced map for survivor and killer?
What is the most killer sided map?
Favorite mx vs ATV game I'll go first
What’s a killer you have fun playing but suck at?
Do you think BHVR will release another mobile version of dbd when this one shuts down?
Curious what other artists Gorillaz fans like
Bro I love looking so extra
This happens way too much recently