Besides the best, what’s the most underrated lyrics mod? Image sort of unrelated
Do it
Koishi knows you well
I think I might've screwed up. Should I have brought The Chuck Edition instead?
What's the best non-vocal track for you? Here's mine
Favorite "Scary" Fanworks?
Favorite song from this?
I'm handing r/tf2 the mic, what are some of their least favorite maps in the entire game?
How much do you think the story will change, if kkhta koishi fought canon flandre instead of her kkhta counter part ?
Which is THE darkest mod ever in your opinion? (Image serve just as an example)
How do these guys even get their hands on this stuff? Do mod creators just secretly sell it to them under a trenchcoat?
Can you tell Bad Day is my favorite song?
Panty and Stocking by me
What if Brief was Aquamarine and everyone in the show had to pretend it was normal?
At least Kratos isn't a fucking disappointment
What alternative gamemode do you wish was more popular and/or had more maps?
Nightmare brief/fear brief
Which interactions were more accurate? Death Battle or MK1?
Imagined if This Actually Happened In Real Life?!!
Which Anarchy sister would you date?
Characters who have kinda dookie spreads ngl
TIL : There's a 4th secret legendary hat in the game. Coooool beans.
Why do people forget about the Mannmelter so much?
Stocking as Guy drinking beer meme
He was a hero we couldn't see