Why the confusing rotating types of services? (Church of England)
All the Presidents Men (1976) was just half the Watergate story. What other films do you all recommend to get the rest of what happened?
South Korea scrambles jets after detecting 180 North Korean warplanes north of border amid tensions
My first diorama and entry into GBWC Singapore
In hospital while my wife is in labour ( she’s asleep while I’m playing) isn’t it amazing , X-cloud on an IPad using a PS4 controller
The monstrosity!
What is everyone’s opinion of THIS scene?
Yeah, I'm wondering what is it for too, hmm..
need some help, I got a HG Victory as a cheap test subject for my first trial of painting. and I have lost the face covering....
TIL the wolves/dogs used to film The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (2005) had to have CGI butts/tails because they were too happy to appear menacing.
Pixar Scrapped Gay ‘Luca’ Storyline — Report
1/35 Zeta Gundam bust complete.
WIP MG Barbatos - Starting with the sword
First time painting - chrome went great but gold went horribly wrong
Just finished the command qan(t) from gundam breakers
My very first time customizing. Let me know what you all think. HG Wodom Pod.
Testing articulation
Evening folks. Not a fan of peat, and this is the limit I could stand...
This is the state of the collection of someone who won’t pay above MSRP for bottles. You don’t have to get extorted to drink good bourbon guys.
Repentance Bug Report Thread
When DC was literally a swamp.
Whiskey drinkers your favorite beer?
Why does my daughters LOL doll have a penis and testicles?
TIL, While alcohol made from apples is called cider, alcohol made from pears is called "Perry"
Retiring titan of the Sumo world Hakuho shows how important psychology is vs Kisenosato