GSC Rumor Engine
Requesting community feedback for ScrapHulk, a miniatures agnostic, beer-and-pretzels wargame.
My finalized Martian bases! Thanks for the overwhelming amount of feedback and commentary both about my bases and cookies and/or biscuits.
Possibly my most favourite kitbash so far!
They should chill out.
[H] 40k, Fantasy / Old World, Oldhammer, Bolt Action, Infinity [W] Bill Funds [Loc] Pennsylvania, US
Some Terminator Proxies for OPR
Racing against rumoured release dates to finish these High Elves
Requesting community feedback for ScrapHulk, a miniatures agnostic, beer-and-pretzels tabletop wargame.
Kitbashed MG42 MMG team
Building ruins part 4 🤷
For the interested, Aldi's Workforce brand is being stocked again.
10th Edition Regiments - No Vostroya :(
Alexandrian Macedonian Host
In trying to fix a leak (that we thought originated from a shower), I broke the tabs off this Moen 96909 when replacing it with a Moen 1222. Because I dont actually need the 1222 (and would like to return it), will the 96909 still be okay without the tabs?
Is anyone else terrified?
Did GW fixed their worst painted mini?
How does everyone afford to live
When you're in a Riptide, you can fight the hurricane...and you can win.
Turreted Stormlord/Shadowsword
Is this top grip something in lore or a legitimate holding style in real life? I notice the astartes guy uses it quite a bit