The 1950's had over 50 very good to great westerns and is the best decade for westerns in my opinion.
A Battle RAGES Within Me
Do we need more mods?
Elevate the tech bro uniform
Does Allen sing the 2nd verse of Gallows Humor?
Hoodies - Stiff and structured or soft and plush?
Having absolute brain fart — what’s CR’s smoking alt called?
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood screenplay request
Michael Bay says it’s hard to get movies made today: “No one can greenlight anything anymore.”
The Lord of the Rings is often hailed as the greatest story/work of fiction ever but which other story/work of fiction comes closest to being as good, if not better than it?
Proper fitting equates to being over-dressed? Make this make sense for me.
TIL there are an estimated 40.3 million enslaved people in the world today, three times greater than the number during the transatlantic slave trade
Do you like encores?
Left or right shoe tree?
Shoe Tree Question
Dad gets up during every movie without pausing.
Mods deleting Brand New related posts…
White tee brands for skinny guys?
New merch is out!! All my lengthers go get yourself a shirt or something
New fan going to my first show in may
Discovering Ebay as a source to buy clothes at a discount is like finding the worlds thrift store.
I watched Solo for the first time. It was suprisingly enjoyable.
What's the saddest song less than a minute in length you've ever heard?
Proper Dose is better than I Want To Disappear
Will Gluck ('Easy A,' 'Anyone But You') to Direct Sex Comedy 'One Night Only' For Universal - Tells the story of two strangers, a man and a woman, who desperately look for a hookup on the one night of the year where premarital sex is legal