Polícia investiga se mulher que matou idoso em Peruíbe fez sopa com os órgãos e distribuiu a pessoas em situação de rua
Some photo mode fun with the washing machine
quem é ele?
Guess the Trailer 2 Release Date Contest
"What you fear lies not beyond the door, but within yourself." (oc)
when she said this, I couldn't help it LOOL
Can these countries just merge into one are they stupid?
why did costa rica copy north koreas flag? are they stupid?
I always liked Montevideo's unusual shape from above. What cities with interesting shapes do you know of?
This prehistoric lookin’ fella also reminds me of Toucan Sam.
The actual shift pattern of a 1962 Freightliner Semi Truck
Cosmic frequencies from HD-189733-b
What is my little d’uccle saying?
Um do I have a roo on my hands?
Dude was on my cheeks the whole time
What breed of chicken is this cockerel?
Name a crash villain that scared you as a kid
I always mix up between them
Someone called HondaGX200 told me to post this image to this subreddit
Bro I went to take a picture of one my hens in their coop and these mofos is freaking staring me down like I did the most deadliest and awful sin
Let me know what you think! and recommend me some new kart racers
Bush Stone-Curlew
twin mountains
IMO Central America has some of the best flags
Did anyone here had this crash bandicoot collection for ps2 back in the day?