Anyone else having pick commitment issues?
Augury is way too common.
I'd rather wipe 200 times to a boss than run sanctum to ascend.
Which guitars have the coolest fret inlays in your opinion?
To the guys that failed a bunch of times to lose weight, but eventually succeeded: what was your trick?
Thought it was about time I lifted these off the floor.
Taming the highs
Are all frets created equally? Are stainless steel frets immune to wear for heavy handed players?
[GEAR] Modern Guitars?
Why won't my GCP recipe work?
Hx stomp aggressive high cut on all mid-high gain patches
Coil Splitable humbucker for PAC012 bridge
[QUESTION] How did you improve left hand timing? What exercises helped most?
What pick does everybody gravitate toward and why? [QUESTION]
[QUESTION] What's the worst thing that happened in guitar history?
HX Stomp users: what pedals remain on your board?
12" radius models
[discussion] Are epiphones better than gibsons right now?
[QUESTION] Modeler 'plug and play' set up?
Modeler 'plug and play' set up.
Name a phrase/word you won’t hear anywhere else outside of the UK
Is anyone else enjoying the league as usual?
Fixing zhonya abuse - more conditional item actives/passives in the game.
Remember guys...
First strike sound effect.