ULPT: if you know you'll owe, wait until the tax deadline this year to file. There's a low but non-zero chance that the IRS will be defunct by then.
the timeline is fixed
They’re Argonians not lizard people, you racist.
On a post complaining about people boycotting conservative businesses
What is the most accurate depiction of a profession in film?
One Piece
Roofing company (run by MAGA assholes) I used to work for as a sales guy is starting to lose their roofers.
Leaked Photo of the Washington Crash Air Traffic Controller
Australia's only known case of highly superior autobiographical memory🤯
I broke my ankle and can't walk. I asked my friend to pick me up a pint of whiskey for the pain and he went above and beyond.
A question about Wesley’s outfits and rank
Name this band.
How do I unread something?
Why don't we trust pasta? Why must we have a window on the box that proves there's pasta inside?
Trying out alcohol markers
A man at my wifes workplace has been sexually harassing her, but honestly i feel like its her fault.
Not everyone is ditching DEI
AIO Racist boyfriend l?
Is voyager generally disliked?
Who’s your least favorite character that is most controversial to say and why?
"the smell is gone" watercolor and gouache 18"x24"
Tried to introduce my girlfriend to the Franchise
AIO - asked wife if she blocked a guy she cheated on me with in the past .
Pussy will love me 😁
Lucifer Collectors Coin