Finally, maximum gay
Just pick something!!!!!
Should I buy it
I can't believe it.
First time back in a month and i roll this first try :D (thanks pix)
Just pick something doesn't matter
Behold, ultimate havoc
I’m curious to see what the community thinks about this: If you could nerf only 1 of these 4 evolutions, what would it be?
Finally when i get it, it's nerfed..Does the raptor still good??
Manticore discount?
Thoughts on the new wallpaper?
What’s your highest score? I’ll go first :D
Looks fair enough
What would you call my opponents deck?
Advice on how to beat this deck with logbait?
Lulwhat is 3 spells not enough?
What are these decks?!
Who is excited for 6k EWC?
Which of these is the best and that I should use?
Skill issue or Overleveld
I love midladder
We did it guys.
Would you pay $XX.XX to add any comment.
Damn, it's neck and neck
Fellow gamblers, we can't let evo valk supporters to win. 5 star gamble needs to win!