block guy fight
Run Maze during 50 Killstreak
Guys I got the new unreleased skeleton glove irl [real]
If One came to the dandy’s world universe to make a deal with a toon, which do you think she would go for first and what would the deal be about?
Cuz lots of people has lots of different headcanons here, i'll rate on which level of headcanon they are! (And recive these sweet sweet internet points)
This only took as long as it did purely cuz I had to animate two separate rigs. Anyways, Error Kill animation wowie zowie
Difficulty: Impossible
Whats the most annoying thing that happened to you in DW,
Extraterrestrial BONNI
Guys I'm going insane
What any glove do you considered to be an enemy/villain? (Headcanon)
Describe your main glove as a reason why you hate that glove so much
Fire Crackhead: God of Bullet Hells and Arm Cannon shenanigans.
Which toon or trinket?
Screw underrated gloves questions, what’s the most overrated one? except deto ofc (image unrelated)
name a glove you want a mastery for so bad you'd die for it. i'll start
What combo gloves are your honest favourite? (Image unrelated)
I'm new. Have a lethal toon concept.
when did sparky get a banner
Let's see what is the funniest one
Sbeve if he was in DW
To those that put Buzz as their favorite brawler, they remembered. They put it back to Shelly.
The Duel-Fisted Brute: Controller Construct
Do I have to enter my real last name here? What happens if I don't? Will my real name be shown to other people?
While Ash sweats his butt off in the Castle Courtyard, there must be someone keeping the rest of the park in order... or not... What do you think?