Kenzies Post
Time for nails but not basic care of her animals 😩
George's upcoming homecoming
We gots a shout out 😂
Begging for likes on a fake pet competition I
The hooves 🤗
We got a lecture and a shout out in her latest video…
Oh no…what a shame 😂
Watch this video of him barely being able to hobble around in sand and tell me how he’s going to be a “normal horse”
I’m cackling 😂
I can’t believe people buy this stuff?!?
Why…just like why…
Georges new "mom" aka Katie 2.0
Gets more minis but can’t clean up after the ones she has already 🙄
This could rub a few the wrong way
Couldn’t have said it better myself K….
Dolly Being Bred Time Line
Dorothy and Blanche update
So what’s wrong with Waylon?
Did she just SS a previous AD for a new one?