Any Suggestions On How To Get Friends To Jerk?
What are your gym fees?
Do you find dad bods hot?
Are (you) men over 30 craving being social ?
Life doesn’t feel real anymore
First time ever getting bitten by a training partner ( accident, no mouth guard )
We Would Be Warm and… Entertained
Gay at my job outed me
Jeans suck so so much.
Blue really brings out the color of my beard!
FTLs are quickly becoming my favorite to wear
First time poster here, getting over being shy
If an LL Bean and a Bass Pro Shop had a baby it would be this 3,300 acre estate
Healthy eaters, what are some processed foods you can’t resist?
Come and get it
Would-be jo buds: do they exist?
So Many Closing Businesses in Boulder
For those who used a computer between 1995 and 2001, what’s the computer game from that time that sticks with you the most, and why?
Has anyone moved to CO and NOT liked it?
Do other millennials feel that restaurants are concentrating more on their theme then their food
Anyone regret moving to a booming area?
11 months
I should really post more often 💋
Denver or Portland?
Coworkers bing dicks