Oh FFS...
Curiosity what if scenario.
Beck glued to ALR reaction channels
I thought they were joking. They were not. I have no words.
Did Beggy loose weight?
Not Becks girlfriend backtracking avoiding insinuating Jade had the backbone Beck lacked 😂
We get it. The other subreddit hates us.
“No perfect victim!”
These people are insufferable
This comment 💀
“You don’t understand how abuse works”
If Beck truly was done with Amber why didn’t they give back the car?
We’re Amber simps now y’all
Fucking unhinged
Amberverse sub sweeping for our Begster
The doctor they all went to
Posted on Kiwifarms today
I'm not crazy, right? People pay too much attention, right?
Which one is it, Necky?
I just noticed Beck only refers to her as "Amber" now.
Do you guys think she’ll be removing her tattoos someday?
Just straight up lying
Am I heartless
I reveal to you, the WiPod V1! A wireless charging 5th gen iPod classic. It's a touch rough at the moment, but I have upcoming plans to neaten it up and internalise all the components.
No, Beck, that's just how many views your non-gorlworld content gets...