Almost all porn sites are financed by ads for other porn sites. They are snowballing.
It's not that parents are out of touch with slang and can't use it correctly. They deliberately misuse it for the sheer joy of messing with their kids. It's a conspiracy. It's all about cringe resistance.
Redemption has to start somewhere...
Show us your dedication
What country is this? Questions only.
Anonyme Alkoholiker in Halle?
Line 7 of the Straßenbahn Halle (Germany) doing a full run from Kröllwitz to Büschdorf
Der dumme Mensch
Which shall you choose???
What the heck is Jinx’s diet?
Ein Zug nach...
Elon Musk spricht bei AfD Wahlkampfauftakt in Halle (Saale) 🤮
Please choose a flair to continue using this sub!
Die Feldbahn ist fast wie die US-Eisenbahn...
„Mama, ich bin Lokführer.“
Donald J. Tusk 🫡
Germanic? > English
Google Earth has begun updating images of Gaza
Let's all claim it ourselves in our respective languages
A man locked his head in a cage in an attempt to stop smoking. His wife has the key and only opens him for meals.
Is this true?
Geschlechterverteilung junger Erwachsener (20–29) in Deutschland beim Zensus 2022