Our lord and savior JDV
Looking to make a Chandra deck
Would you rather run „Green House“ or „Chromatic Lantern“ in Wurbrg?
Why did Kathleen Kennedy pay Jessica to reject me every time I asked her to homecoming?
Who will win that death battle?
What’s happening to the Dean? Wrong answers only
Strong melee build I did for my recent LS playthrough
tHeY dO hAvE a pOiNt aCtuAlLy🤓
Trash Paladins
Which one is your body transition goals?
Hora de escolher
SAROS went woke and satanic!!!! Gamers riseeee up!!!! 😤😤✊
Just discovered mods on console. Everyone drow. (Gale is now Temu Nere). Is it cursed or hilarious, I can’t decide?
Noticed some parallels while sleep deprived.
How does this work?
Top 3 Universes Beyond you want to see but wont
I have one for the cactus
Nihil verum. Omnia Licita.
Why do YOU love reading WLW books?
Female Warrior: "Hold on, Vette. I want to explore this rule against women. I mean, we're all open minded here."
(Real)They are going to drain the treasury and then steal the gold reserves aren’t they?
obligatory trend post 👍 what does my taste say about me?
Same thing applies to video games. Studios rushing artist and developers
My video game girlfriends
So modern anime sucks?
We need more figures of people who transitioned into women