There is one notch on my coke bottle cap the is shorter than all the rest
randomly -95 elo
R4C black ice price tanking?
Worst luck?
Need advice
Minecraft Baked Beans
Am I crazy or is this unsolvable? My first 4x4 that I got from a friend.
HELP! My wife’s 1997 5.9L 12v Cummins is puking fluid out the steering pump cap.
Making an Asian themed island, any names on what I should call it?
R6 Account For Sale
How to counter this thatcher against a kaid/tube trick?
Finally hitting diamond is the push I need to quit this game.
Ig it’s time to start using these for the new celebration packs
why do i get into lobby's with plats when I'm in bronze lobby's
How does this happen?
Am I lucky?
Do you think they should have made a few more? Or do you like there being only 5000?
This made me turn off the game...
Does anyone know what time the season reveal is today?
I did it
Need more diguises
Help with deciding what to get
super fast ace in ranked, 5k hours finally paying off
Is this a good idea?