Recent chatter on Nebuchadnezzar’s statue dream?
getting told you'll have a "perfect body/mental state" in paradise?
For those with a PIMI spouse (wife)
How did you uncover your “authentic self?”
Where you a pioneer back in the 70s or 80s? Could you do the monthly 90 hours preaching requirements?
long timers
Anyone have any crazy anointed stories?
Any PIMO wives on here subject themselves to the “historic” last two talks of the Elders or Servant KM school? Here is everything I learned
Thought exercise regarding the latest GB flipflop on oral & anal sex
Oral and Anal Sex between couples - 1978 position readopted as new light! Another proof that these guys are just making things up. See flipflops over the years:
Could the United States’s decline mean the fall of the JW cult?
When you were in school did you tell anyone you were a witness?
Finish this verse… 🎹🎶Make the truth your own … to bad ways do not be…
“get behind me Satan”
Does anyone recognize this melody?
Trigger Warning: More nostalgia. Who went to bed listening to My Book of Bible Story cassettes as a child?
Why is there so much age shaming with jw?
Are witnesses the shallowest religious people ?
Research Time…Marital Outcomes For Those Waking Up?
Biblical evidence against the authority of the governing body?
Did anyone actually save them selves for marriage?
Is it plausible to think that God created the forbidden tree knowing that Adam and Eve were gonna eat from it anyway?
Which scientists?
Someone is telling me to not get up 😂