Trying to make a texture look more plastic like, would appreciate some general tips
I believe in ____ supremacy
Can you say “yes” in another language
I'm tired boss
How do I make the Laser shoot out of the gun
Dev snapshot: Godot 4.4 beta 1
It took me 5 hours to do this, AND IT DOESN'T EVEN HAVE COLOR. I don't know how to color anyway.
Schmoovement System Resource
The New Mario Kart will support 24 players!
Using the Godot Steam Editor I've been able to make a very silly arena FPS
Different approaches for player movement
Worth it to upgrade or skip this generation?
No BS am i ugly, i get no looks at school
Every year I keep saying I’m going to make a game
Isaac Newton discovered _____ when an apple fell on his head.
How can I apply this texture to all 6 sides of a cube?
Should I improve or is my driving ok?
making a class shooter but the sprites don't change for some reason.
Rate my avatar :3
Reving + Drive Gear + Brake -> Release Brake = Reving + Neutral -> Switch into Drive?
Who is this man? (Wrong answers only)
How do infrared codes work?
You find a bear in the forest and she looks at you like this. What do you do?
New years resolution game
Computer does this on start up, no idea what it means.