Advice needed. Better exchange bergcamp for shards and take van der saar
Who to take from ww (550-600 shards) and is campbell good to keep.
Which one to buy
How is he in game? Keep or exchange?
Any experience with him? Is he good to upgrade?
What to add with 600 shards
Which one out of these five ( have 800)
What should i do with my team?
What to take from WW (500 shards will have until the end) and what to buy 1.5 bil coins
Hey everyone, is Ferdinand better than Kompany ? Or is it vise versa
Post Your f2p only team (be honest)
Is there any guide about which skill point to use in different position? Thanks
Hamsik or Bergkamp?
Hamsik or Kantona
Best ST for h2h 1.2 mil budget
What improvements to make with 1bil coins and 800 ww shards.
Is this a bug or is something else
Need suggestion on LW and CM-CAM, And other improvements.
First week of game, need advice for changes (and which ww player to take with around 400 shards up to now)
Not rigged at all.. VSA & 109 opponent with red 105 R9 lol
Is he worth the money
Whats the best way to spend gems during this time?
What changes to make
Got my Stam today
Which player to take from TT