What happens if my players cast "Talk with Animals" on a bird that is secretly a druid in Wild Shape?
This picture tells a story
Best and worst video game based board games
Printable versions of maps
Blood pass is not very exciting this time.
Looking for a league
What are some of the silliest games you've played in Dealer's Choice?
Dudes on a map/wargames wanted
The most famous in jokes in the morrowind community
Skaven tips for beginners?
Where do you play?
Finished my Vampires just in time for Halloween!
First player for new norse team
Base sizes?
Realistic budget to start? Tips?
A couple basic tips for *redacted* that took me a while to realise.
Tackle vs Strip Ball
Is there such q thing as a blood bowl 2 league anymore? Or was my impulse buy just a waste of money?
I remade an Owlbair Lair map in Dungeondraft that i found online (Rise-of-nations)
How do you guys deal with Nurgle team bloating? This is my 8th match team and it already reach 1.3K TV. Even I try to random skill on some players.
I'm gonna guess this is not intentional?
Why is it so hard to order books from Black Library?
Region Map
Area Map
Handout Free 1v3s - Gotta bait the Ranger