I’m not a good builder at all but I made this bridge and am pretty proud of myself lol
Clearying whatever the hell this is
For the first time since being added, I have found a Woodland Mansion🥹
50k giveaway!
This bracket is probably the easiest so far😭😭😭
100k Christmas giveaway
100K GIVEAWAY 🎉 (most downvotes wins)
How much can I get for it???
20K Giveaway!
You have 24 hours
birthday giveaway! :)
Drop your unfindable wanted songs
Gem problem
Random epic giveaway + 10k
Heather Reckless
Angry Fish
In Da Club
Y’all are Frank Ocean magnets stg😭
I'm quitting
Am I out of touch with the economy of this game?
People are insane