Luxury Cars for a family of Six?
What would you do in an infinite space with infinite time and resources?
$100 billion but every 3 hours your size changes
100k, you have to kill and eat random animal that is generated
$800 a month for life, or your own pet dragon
You are given full control over Donald Trump for 5 minutes a day
$5,000 a day for Mark Zuckerberg to live in your bathroom
You get to delete one person out of history in an attempt to improve the world (with a cash prize)
World harmony persists while you play an endless chess game
Snake belt or tortoise shoes
Mayonnaise ceases to exist or you must eat it as part of everything you eat
You get $1 million a month, but noone ever remembers you.
If someone came to you and offered to give you a million dollars, but you must choose between 2 ways to spend it.
You're 13 again and have a critical choice to make
You must bite dogs or dogs bite everyone
300 billion dollars but chicken nuggets keep multiplying.
Would you pay $10k to be able to have a conversation with your pet? What would you ask your pet?
A button that causes chaos.
How do people make so much money?
If Trump implemented universal healthcare would it change your opinion on him?
Honestly idk where else they'd put it
It's like seeing an ultrasound sound for a post here
1 billion dollars but you cannot eat at a fast food place of your choice (with a twist!)
You will be paid to give up a single mode of transportation for the rest of your life.
Every song ever written is represented by a house and a wrecking ball is coming