What is men version of taking off your bra at the end of the day ?
suggest names for comedy club
“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength”.
What are the potential ‘escape routes’ for high-profile Republican figures who want to actively oppose Donald Trump?
Elon Musk showing off the new cuss words his AI can say and then laughing a very normal amount while Joe Rogan looks unimpressed
How long until the gurus start popping up in high profile government positions?
Sams view on Trump plan
Is it possible that Trump actually has leverage on Elon Musk and is holding him hostage? Musk’s salute was actually a warning to the world about Trump?
When white Americans tell Irish people that they’re also Irish because of some distant relative, generally Irish people roll their eyes. Do Africans experience the same thing from black Americans?
Thoughts on Thiel
How to get a beach body at home?
With Greenland, Panama, and now Gaza(!), is Trump trying to build a global empire, not just an American one?
Politically, what can Ireland do about Trump?
The World's jaw drops as Trump makes the wildest ever proposal to annex the West Bank.
What (if any) AI do you find useful for research?
Democrats, was the 2024 Democratic campaign rhetoric not fully believed by senior figures in the Democratic Party?
Career Development for International Teachers, degrees and experience
JFC! Welcome to Donald Trump and Elon Musk’s America!
Names should be temporary until you turn 18, then you’re given a choice of either keeping the name you have or choosing a completely different one.
How far away are we from ‘fake AI’ platforms that spread misinformation, and the Joe Rogans of the world lap it all up as incontrovertible fact?
1980s dystopian science fiction were often set in or around the 2020s; what did they get right and what did they get wrong?
A question for conservatives, what could make you support another impeachment of Trump?
I remember when Trump won in 2016. His victory feels darker this time.
Giving up