was this real???
When you find the right person who get you...
We have strayed too far from Primus...
Oiled up and butt-naked, who wins this twerk-off?
I want to be bread
After wearing heels and everything.
Literally the only parking spot with snow.
Loyal Decepticon trooper, the war with Autoscum have caused attrition of troops, the deception war efforts needs you to repopulate the ranks
Well then...
Mr. Magnus
“Everyone, listen up!”
give me anything and i'll link it to the big bang theory
Roast my rental
I'm tired of pretending that it's wrong to be attracted to female transfomers with especially windblade with her beautiful thighs and chest
Do most of you actually watch g1?
LISTEN! I want to see some Hiccstrid so use this comment section to dump EVERYTHING Hiccstrid related you have, no matter if it's fanfics, memes, art, edits or regular pictures. Spam this post with Hiccstrid! :D
G1 style Dinobot Scorn
Did I just get fired???
Lines from each character that made you laugh the hardest
Yall want her?
Favorite line from a non main character?
Would you?
My first project of 2025