How come Skelita gets 3 day of the dead dolls while Jinafire doesn’t get anything for Lunar new year? Is Jinafire not as popular?
Are the jokes about League true (even partially)? If so, why?
ain't no way a Canadian university got official vtubers before GTA6 💀
Would a Branded Vtuber Work for a Non-Profit?
Feeding Pudding a cookie. My sheep Bramble wanted one too!!
If you could play/dm a campaign in one fictional world from a book, movie, or tv show, what would it be?
[Online][5e 2014][Bi-weekly][Fridays 4-8 pm est(gmt-5)] Need 1 PC to join an in-progress Eberron campaign.
Learning About the Enneagram and Noticed Something About Us 4’s
Congratulations! You're banned!
[5e][Online][Friday evenings US time zones]
Do Y’all Ever Get Frustrated That Your Fictional Music Genres Don’t Exist?
Tips on Writing a Counterphobic 6?
Rush E and BlackBoxWarrior/OKUltra
Why is the smell of Sweetheart Cherry so nostalgic?
Did I Type My Dungeons and Dragons Character Correctly?
Did I Type My DnD Character Correctly?
Fellow GMs, what is your favorite music to help set the mood?
[Online] [5e/5.5e] [CST] [LGBTQ+ Friendly] Four Players Looking for a DM for Eberron Campaign!
What’s your favorite way to unwind/relax?
Writers of the Sub: What’s Your Favorite Type (Other Than Your Own) to Write?
[Online] [DnD 5e 2014/2024] [CST] [Thursdays 5:00 pm] [LGBTQ+ -Friendly] [18+] Looking for People for a Role-Play Heavy Eberron Campaign!
[ONLINE][D&D][5e][2014][18+][Thursdays 630pm MST] Starting an Eberron campaing of 4-5 players.
Is there a digital copy of The Book of Bill?