Progress on my new tank!
Bay Area teen rejected by 16 colleges, hired by Google files racial discrimination lawsuit
Help ID this hitchhiking moss
Hobby for lazy people who don't want to touch grass
Admission rates by school
Student thinking about going here. What are your thoughts?
John Stuart Mill was a utilitarian, but he also believed in the harm principle. Is he being consistent?
computer science
54 days… let’s see your nanos!
Pygmy cory found the perfectly curled leaf to rest on
I worked as a staffer in U.S. Congress for 6 years (2016-2022). AMA
I want to remove my Amazon sword.What should I put to fill that area?
Willy killed the ramshorn snail I bought TWO hours ago
What's your snail hunting technique?
First year - From start to now
If you’re considering a shallow tank, go for it!
waiter put my tip back on the table saying he only accepts 18-20%??
7 gallon update!
I’m disappointed with my first real hard scape.
UW Unveils New Scholarship for Sex Offenders — Off Leash News
I don’t understand why people go into engineering solely for money
What is this plant? Hitch hiked its way in, and now it’s growing like a weed
AMA - Tired of reading Sexual AMAs on this sub.
CSE427 workload
What's this thing?