Need help with resource guarding behavior
Need advice on what to do about resource guarding
Question about older dog attacking younger dog when she tries to jump in bed
Dani shows her medical supply closet
She’s back
New Dani Update
Dani M demonstrates how to set up feeds
Question about Xylazine
Going back on heroin to come off subs? Silly idea?
Songs that make you cry?
Ideas? Change it to another word? Dr Emery idicted
Things you notice movie makers do that irritate you?
Weird guy shows up at my parents house at 1am looking for me and using details of my life that were valid 20 years ago—help me figure this out!
I'm dead?
Which movies/series you thought were sending you messages while going through psychosis?
I was a “gifted child”, now I’m fuckin homeless 🥳
Went out for the first time in a while today since depression.
What happened to the most attractive person in your HS/ college?
FINALLY HAVE AN UPDATE to weird guy shows up at my parents door using details about my life that were valid 20 years ago
What’s your most terrifying experience from psychosis?
What body part makes you go crazy when you see it?
Meth and _____ are definately a bad combo!
20F Am i too masculine?
Who do you talk to about it?