Is it weird I can’t beat any base game Camellia songs but can beat 9* beatleader maps?
Pick 3 to defend you the rest try to kill you
Stories where the characters aren’t exactly good people,but the ones they’re fighting against are much worse.
Seiko Ayase aura farming
What’s your favorite game that was shadow dropped?
What do you see when you shut your eyes hard?
Anyone else see blurry old fashioned maps when they shut their eyes hard enough for a while?
Been playing since launch and still don’t have black diablos medal
Sorry but you won't convince me to use Bone Gunlance
Kirin Event!
Found in a thrift store, my girlfriend and I are both stumped
Which One Piece character do you share a birthday with? Here's mine.
What is your FUCKING aslume name (mine is Is he Memes?)
If Silksong comes out in 2026, I will buy everyone that comments in here the game AND the platform they play it on
Some screenshots from my first playthrough
What beat saber opinion has you like this?
When do the ISS astronauts celebrate new years?
How can you tell if you are being followed?
Guys it's happening. This is the year
Finally ive done it! 8* Kushala Daora Solo using 10.5 Squawkscythe LS
What’s a piece of media you had to avoid due to emotional reasons?
Sky Blue + Red Color Combinations
Nothing like a good smell..
Enough of “I can fix her”. Who’s someone you absolutely cannot fix?