United States of America on January 1st, 2026
North American territories that were once controlled by France
What if the Roman Empire survived and expanded? Roman Republic in 2024
The African Continent, 2024, a more stable Africa
What if the Roman Empire never fell? The Roman Republic in 2024
Ethnicity in alternative Poland
Map of an independent French Louisiana
Alternative partition of Japan post WW2
Europe, if it was Asia
Alternate ending of Egypt
Alternate Middle East/North Africa if they were not conquered by arabs
Armenia-Israel relations
Armenians and Azeris in today’s Armenia and Azerbaijan in 1880
2021 Croatian census
My ideal Macedonia (happy April’s fool day)
Vive la France!
Arpitania (alternative country)
Alternative partition of Iberian peninsula
Alternative scenario: what if Greece won Greco-Turkish war? (plus alternative Greek flag)
Alternative Greater Finland 🇫🇮
An Alternative North America
Alternative coat of arms of Italy
Libri Storia Italiana
Greater Greece (alternative)