Majoras mask in ultra wide and with nerrels hd texture pack. Arguably best way to play game
"I have no mouth, and I must scream...." (Warning for graphic content)
I'm pretty sure the Monument Monster is supposed to be donkey, but I'm really unsure about the Debate Demon (maybe an elephant?)
What is this?
Ready or Not copies, DLCs and a Ready or Not SHIRT Giveaway!
Thought my friend’s house had liminal/eerie material, so took some pictures
What if our dream worlds really exist in another alternate universe?
[Metroid x SSBU] [hoshizoralone] Samus goes Mario Karting with the Smash Roster
Name a hit song that has been hijacked by a movie
What would be the best way to have a fromsoft rep without being just another sword fighter?
angriest moment?
I can’t be the only one that instantly thought of our favorite robot duo…
What is the algorithm?
Tenet (2020)
What show would be the best alarm clock? I'm tired of the stock alarm sound I have.
Should the main limiting factor of running be my stomach hurting?
Inverted guns
why is there a turnstile in the freeport?
JUST WATCHED INTERSTELLAR and confused about Climax
extremely new drummer here, I cannot figure out what these two notes mean. (where a high G and B would be on treble clef)
which Jack Stauber song feels purple?
Everything we know about Judge
If silksong gets anounced during the nintendo direct i'll buy 3 STEAM copies to anyone who comments
Opinions on the 3 Open Class Candidates being selected for Promoted?
Is anyone else feeling like Analogue Horror is over saturated?