Fortune Montage 2
To yeet or not to yeet? (Impulsiveness Montage)
Retcher vs Hover Montage
Small Scorpion montage
One of the big reasons XO is dying (read it like a book for it to make sense)
New Legendary Shotgun? Lmao, it's gonna be ass.
The Founders are in play again. New features of the major March update. Part 3
another biggest cabin in the game? really?
how many ammo boxes should i bring
Some Syndicate themed rides in Sinto City, hope people like
What's that one build you use that always puts a smile on your face?
Nothing amazing, but a fun game I had earlier. Sometimes assists are important.
PC gameplay episode 3
Can you tell I play warthunder too?
Why I use the tow at 12k
Reducing the Imugi projectile's time to detonate while on the ground from 8 seconds to 4
another art build i'm never going to use
The daily patch system
Crossout - Placers Plays: Episode 063 Grinding Batteries with a Dog 🐶
Go on, I'm still waiting for their excuses.
AI targeting
What a classy lobby
Need some weaponry suggestions.