In terms of public perception, has Drake taken the biggest L in rap battle history?
Big Wedge Player Ranks
Do you think Freya could actually kill Kratos?
Do you think Meet the Grahams is borderline evil?
Who saw [REDACTED] Betrayal coming?
Is it just me or is Sephiroth in the remakes so far disappointing
How would you rank the main groups in 3 4 5?
Ichiban vs Bryce felt underwhelming.
Genuine question, how do you guys feel about him and his role in the game?
Fan issue, what's happening?
Overtime, I think I'm starting to like Sumire less and less.
Tell me you're biggest disappointment with Alan Wake 2.
P3 could've probably been my favorite, but tartarus let it down so much.
Thinking about it, I sort of respect the sheer willingness to make Joel's death the way it was.
Is Makoto Yuki really that emo?
How would you rank all the “bro” characters from P3-P5 and why?
Was the last of us 2 unfairly hated?
Persona 4 compared to 5
Is Clive your favorite FF protagonist? Why or why not?
I usually am highly against “-2” sequels because they’re usually not good, but FFXVI absolutely deserves a FFXVI-2. CBU3 did an amazing job. Especially with Titan and Bahamut fights!
Still can't believe they thought it was a good idea to try and redeem Bryce Walker in season 3 of 13 reasons why.
Whats your kingdomhearts hot take that will get you publicly executed?
Would you guys want a Nate redemption arc?
Was Barnabas too powerful?
what’s the best quotable line in ATWOW?