So many bots
What would you pick as last pick for this solo q team?
For those who switched spxcialties, was it everything you were expecting/hoping for? Any regrets?
I ranked all the ults by how much they would hurt in real life.
Somehow I’ve played more video games throughout residency than any other period in my life.
Prolonged qTC
Didn't match. Chief year at small program vs hospitalist year at larger academic institution
Shame of not matching
Anyone else fall way down their match list and/or unmatched?
Here we go, friends
Draft bans
Is Sableye good?
How the hell do you type on switch ?
What keeps you playing?
Is Comfey reaaaaally that bad?
Is having some GI research projects affect application to PCCM?
Tell me the last game you played
This is getting weird (and somehow I don't mind it)
Solo queue is and has always been rough.
I’m finally coming out! Mom, dad, I’m _________
Step 3 in fellowship apps
tell me your favorite pokémon and i’ll decide if you’re allowed in or not
Does being a doctor exempt me from jury duty?
IM Fellowship applicants, how are we doing?
Has anyone noticed more bot matches in masters?